Hello! I'm Joshua Sortino, a 16 year old, student from sunny South Florida! Please select a destination from the links above or keep reading to find out more about me.

More About Me: Sports is one of my favorite things to do, I've played basketball since I was in 1st grade. I enjoy spending my free time at the local gym where I usually play basketball or indor soccer. My passion is for espionage, secet agents, clandestine operations, code breaking, etc... I have over 50 books on the subject and I love to collect "spy" gadgets. My goal is to one day work for the CIA or NSA. I am also considering a career as a private investigator (Joshua Sortino P.I. has a good ring to it...)

One of my main hobbies is technology! Wherever I go you won't find me without my iPod, cellphone, PDA or laptop (though I don't consider myself a nerd... at least I hope I'm not). At the age of 13 I started a web design business under the name of Komodo Web Design. Since then, I have become more serious about my work and have learned how to design with Flash, Photoshop, HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. Currently I am the owner of a web design company (www.FusionWebDesigns.com) with over 4 employees. I also co-own a computer repair business (www.FusionPCrepair.com). Occasionally upon request I will work with video editing for a client (I use Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects).

Thanks for coming to my web site, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at me(AT)JoshuaSortino(DOT)(COM).

God Bless,